Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy is an emerging treatment option for patients with Major Depressive Disorder or PTSD. Experienced psychiatrist Karen Giles, MD, at Breakthru Psychiatric Solutions in Sandy Springs and Alpharetta, Georgia, is at the forefront of psychedelic medicine for treatment-resistant mental health disorders. To learn more about Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy and how it could benefit you, call Breakthru Psychiatric Solutions today or request an appointment online.
Ketamine is an FDA-approved anesthetic drug used frequently in hospital settings. In significantly smaller doses, although not FDA-approved, ketamine has a powerful effect on depression and suicidal thoughts.
Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is a mental health treatment that combines IV ketamine treatments administered by an MD and talk therapy from a licensed psychotherapist. KAP takes advantage of the open, curious state induced during ketamine treatment, and utilizes targeted psychotherapy to create new neural pathways for patients that have struggled with Major Depressive Disorder or PTSD, often for years.
Breakthru Psychiatric Solutions offers highly personalized KAP treatments.
IV ketamine IV (intravenous) ketamine treatment delivers a customized dose of ketamine directly into your bloodstream with an infusion that lasts 40 - 60 minutes. Ketamine works quickly to reduce negative feelings and boost your mood. Its fast-acting effects offer an advantage over many psychiatric medications, which typically take 4-6 weeks to start working.
IV ketamine often induces a trance-like or dissociative state which is ideal for creating new thoughts and feelings and inspiring new neural pathways. In the days after ketamine treatment, the brain is in a neuroplastic state; meaning new neural connections have been created. This is the optimal time to engage in psychotherapy, as you will more easily be able to make breakthroughs with your therapist.
KAP can be an effective treatment for patients struggling with:
*Dr. Giles does not do medication management. KAP offers an innovative option for patients with moderate to severe depression, treatment-resistant depression, and depression with anxiety who have not responded to medication and/or talk therapy alone.
Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy will begin with meeting with a KAP-certified therapist to discuss what issues you want to address and your goals with psychotherapy.
Next, you will have your ketamine appointment with Dr. Giles. IV ketamine infusions involve placing a needle in an arm vein. The needle attaches to a tube called a catheter, which in turn connects to a bag of ketamine solution. The ketamine drips steadily down the catheter and into your arm over 40-60 minutes. Dr. Giles uses doses of ketamine that are much lower than those used for anesthesia, so you will remain awake; however, you may notice mild dissociative feelings. You might experience side effects from your ketamine therapy such as mild nausea or dizziness. If you do, these feelings usually pass, however, if they are uncomfortable, Dr. Giles has medication to treat them. A qualified staff member supervises you at all times throughout the treatment.
Then, within 48-hours of your ketamine treatment, you will meet with a KAP-certified psychotherapist for a talk therapy session. This 48-hour window is key as your brain is still in an open state and easily able to connect new thoughts and create new neural pathways. Ketamine treatment allows patients to relax some of the barriers that can arise when talking about painful emotions or experiences creating the space for new levels of healing.
To find out how ketamine-assisted psychotherapy can improve your depression, call Breakthru Psychiatric Solutions today or request an appointment online.
Ketamine may cause mild side effects of nausea, headache, dizziness, increase in blood pressure and heart rate, and dissociation, which are temporary and only occur during infusion.
It is important to note, as with any practice that involves bringing up painful feelings and experiences, things can feel uncomfortable before they feel better. Your therapist will discuss this with you and make a plan if necessary.